Thursday 4 June 2009

5km training over, now it's 10kms!

It’s been 6 weeks since I started training for the 5km, 10km, and - ultimately - a half marathon. The training for the 5km wasn’t too bad and I was able to clock up 70kms during this time. The longest distance was 6.6km in 40 minutes.

Not bad for a couch potato given I started at a pace that was barely the speed of a fast walk. My biggest problem however is breathing and endurance, but what I don't mind doing is the Fartlek training – which a series of fast sprints followed by slow runs.

I’m now into the second period of training to build up to a 10km distance and finding it much tougher to get out there and run the 40-50 minutes that I need for the sessions. At least the longer training runs can be done outside when the weather is much nicer, especially along the canal.

Why do all this training?

Running tips (or words of encouragement) are most welcome!

1 comment:

  1. You've improved so much since you started training. You'll bust through the 10km and half marathon for sure!
