Sunday 25 October 2009

19. Run a half marathon

Run to the beat, get on your feet, run to the beat!!!

This little catchy tune helped me sign up six of my friends to take on the challenge of running a half marathon. After months of preparation (or lack thereof for moi), the big day finally arrived.

The event was organised by Leukaemia Research, a UK charity dedicated to the research of blood cancers and disorders.

Luckily for all of us, it was a sunny day in Greenwich, London. Transport for London had kindly allowed the transport networks to stay open and the residents took to the streets to cheer the runners on. The premise of the "Run to the Beat" race is that you get to run to different styles of music along to the course to help you get through the race. The 13 mile race had roughly 10 music points, although it only took about 10 seconds to whizz past them so I was left with much of the race hearing my feet pound the pavement.

A good 2 hours and 38 minutes later, I sprinted across the finish line (which is probably why my legs ached for two days afterwards). The rest of the gang were also there waiting for me cheering me on.

Alas, we were defeated by the yum cha (a new tradition we're trying to start following our mass participation in running events).

Signing up to the half marathon
5km down, 15km to go

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