Thursday 16 April 2009

19. Run a half marathon - signing up

After much procrastination and pathetic excuses to myself, I've finally signed up to my first half-marathon. Call me crazy as I struggle to even run 5km but I think I've been partially inspired by my boyfriend's participation in his first marathon but more so intrigued to see how this "Run to the Beat" concept works.

Run to the Beat is a half marathon with a course that winds its way past various music stages. I'm hoping that it's probably the same as going to an all-day music festival except the difference is that you just dance forward and therefore propel yourself into running the 21kms.

As for training, well I'm going to need all the training I can get and so will enlist the help of this little training guide which was sent to me by a work colleague who's a running fanatic.

5km training update


  1. Oh dear! I am speechless! 21 km??? Please do some serious training before the big day. But, when is the big day anyway?

  2. It's not till 27 Sept. So that means 23 weeks for training!

  3. Lily,
    I would subscribe to a Couch to K podcast. I'm planning on a triathlon. That's how I plan to start running!

  4. Thanks Liv, I'll definitely check it out -
