Friday 17 September 2010

24. Make Sushi

I was really glad that my friend (hrARQ) also wanted to make sushi (I had inspired her to write her own 101 list and she decided to pinch this one) ad so we decided to make it together.

We went to the local Tesco supermarket to buy what we needed and the fishmonger to get our fresh fish.

This is we used to make sushi:

To make the Sushi Rice:

  • Sushi rice (short grain rice)
  • Rice Vinegar
  • Mirin Sauce (similar to Japanese sake and is sweet)
  • Caster sugar
  • Salt

To make the Sushi roll

  • Sushi Mat (to roll the sushi)
  • Nori Seaweed (the seaweed wrap)

Ingredients to go into the Sushi roll

  • Fresh sushi-grade fish (we bought tuna and salmon)
  • Cucumber
  • Red peppers (capsicum)
  • Wasabi paste

And finally the dipping sauce: Soy Sauce!

There are quite a few recipes/instructions available online (and also on the packaging for the items we purchased). We viewed a YouTube clip to learn how to roll it. For some reason the rice was really sticky. BUT the end result was quite tasty!

Cutting up salmon Homemade sushi


  1. mmmmmm... Yummy!!! I am already dreaming of the next time we make it! :D

  2. So professional!!! What was your favourite?
