Saturday 9 May 2009

48. Watch a performance at the Royal Albert Hall

The Royal Albert Hall is one of the most famous performing arts venues in the world and the distinct building plays host to more than 350 performances a year including classical concerts, rock and pop, ballet and opera, and even tennis!

As part of my birthday gift, Scott took me to see "Filmharmonic" performed by The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO). The RPO opened with the Mission Impossible theme and followed with a number of popular and Oscar award winning soundtracks from films including Lord of the Rings, Schindler's list, Jurassic Park, Superman, and Star Wars. One of the highlights was when guest composer, David Arnold, was introduced and he conducted the RPO to play his music from the two latest Bond films.

It was a very entertaining evening with the RPO finishing their performance with a hit from the Rocky soundtrack (how appropriate!).

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