Thursday 15 July 2010

86. See Stonehenge

On our second day of our weekend away to Bath, we visited Lacock and Stonehenge before heading back to London.

Lacock is a cute little village which has been used many times as a film and television set, more recently for Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter films, and The Other Boleyn Girl.

Below is a picture of Dumbledore’s house (from Harry Potter).

Dumbledore's house in Lacock

Next was Stonehenge, one of the most famous sights in the world but little is known about its use and why it was made. Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument and dates back to 2500BC. Each stone weighs about 4 tonnes – no mean feat for the ancients!*


You can’t actually walk up to the stones to touch them as there is a walking perimeter around the structure. It was very windy when we visited so be sure to bring a coat as it’s quite unprotected against the elements.

* Note: if you ever wondered what ‘no mean feat’ means, then it means this: ‘mean’ can also be used for  ‘average’ and so it’s not an average achievement – and in my words, it’s an extraordinary achievement!

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