Saturday 21 August 2010

16. Climb each of the three peaks (3/3)

Scafell Pike: The highest mountain in England. Located in the Lakes District National Park in Cumbria. The summit lies at an altitude of 978 metres (3,209 ft) above sea level with the most popular trails commencing from Seathwaite Farm or Wasdale Head

Status: CLIMBED 31/7/10

We did it! We scaled the three highest peaks in the UK. Its taken some 454 days rather than the customary 24 hours as part of the ‘Three Peaks Challenge’ but we have managed to fit in the hikes around some amazing weekend breaks around some of the most beautiful regions in the UK.

Like with our successful Ben Nevis attempt, we defied the weather and local advice to make it to the Scafell Pike peak.

Although the lowest in altitude of the three peaks, Scafell was probably the most challenging.

The route from Seathwaite takes you over two peaks before getting to the final run to Scafell Pike – with a lot clamouring in between, not to mention the rain, fog and slippery rocks.

Unfortunately the view from the top was obscured by fog but thankfully, on the way down, the clouds lifted and we could see some of the beautiful lakes around the Seathwaite and Keswick area.

Looking back, each of these hikes should have deserved their own place on the 101 list!

Read about our climb up Snowdon and Ben Nevis

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