Saturday 28 August 2010

38. Write a TripAdvisor review

TripAdvisor is one of our most trusted advisers whenever we are planning one of our regular trips around the UK and Europe.

Cusco hotel

The first time we came across TripAdvisor was actually when we were planning our trip through South America. 

Its collection of honest reviews of hotels and attractions has proved invaluable in selecting our accommodation in various cities around the world.

Although we’ve used TripAdviser regularly, actually writing a review of our own experiences had always been something that we’ve  said we should do but hadn’t got around to it.

Anyway, we have righted this ‘gap’ in our travelling ways and at the time of writing this blog have made some 25 contributions on TripAdvisor.

Feel free to follow our reviews on – our screenname is LilSco24

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