Wednesday 1 September 2010

90. Go on a Mediterranean island trip

Malta is a little island with a lot of history, sunshine and friendly locals.
A great way to get some background to the history of the country is to the watch the 45 minute Malta Experience (less time in a museum and more time at the beach!).

The Blue Lagoon (in Comino)

Anyway, in a nutshell, Malta has been ruled by various nations and it wasn’t until 1964 that the the Maltese people were governed by - the Maltese!

So, who ruled Malta? It started with the Phoenicians, then the Greeks, Romans, Fatimids (Arabs), Sicilians, Knights of St John (from which the St John Ambulance stems), French, and finally the British.

Why was it so popular? Despite being a dry and barren little island, it lay in the middle of trading routes in the Mediterranean and has therefore been used as a stopping point for traders since 700BC. In recent history, it played a vital role in helping the British maintain control of shipping supply lines during WWII.

And finally, Malta has some significant religious history to boot. St Paul was shipwrecked in Malta whilst on his way to Italy. During his three month overlay there, it is said that after he was bitten on the hand by a venomous snake, he threw the snake into a fire and was unharmed. The Maltese people were astounded (and probably converted then and there). Also, in every week during the year there is a different festival for a different saint so there is always a decorated village that you can visit. 

And food? The Maltese meat of choice is rabbit.

Quirky tourist attractions? The buses!
 Maltese Bus


  1. The water looks amazing!! You saw more than I did when I went to Malta, I pretty much planted myself by the pool. I think I went the same August long weekend but last year.

  2. We managed to cram if a fair bit - we stayed in Sliema and visited Valetta, M'dina, Gozo and spent some time at the Blue Lagoon in Camino.

  3. I got your postcard! Thankyou :) The buses are so cool and the water looks amazing. Can't wait for summer here.
